President’s and Dean’s List: 3rd Quarter

boys on their laptops

March 19th, 2020

Today, we celebrate our cadets who made the President’s List or Dean’s List for the third quarter! Congratulations, cadets, we are so proud of you (from quarantine)! Social distancing high-five!

The President’s List is the highest academic honor for recognition for achievement at Southern Preparatory Academy, The Official Military Academy of Alabama. To be selected for the President’s List, students must carry a full course load of four or more classes during the semester, and earn no grade lower than an A minus (90%).

Osamah Al-Hubaishi
Logan Brink
Steven Camp
Jalen Dixon
Edmond Elder
Stuart Hauer
Noah Lamer
Logan Lewandowski
Charles Meyer
Heath Norrell
Tad Orosz
Chase Owens
Enrique Pope-Catarata
Blue Pumfrey
Dmitry Tandy
Justin Wallace
James Webber

The Dean’s List is the second highest academic honor for recognition for achievement at Southern Preparatory Academy, The Official Military Academy of Alabama. To be selected for the Dean’s List, students must carry a full course load of four or more classes during the semester, and earn no grade lower than a B minus (80%).

Hunter Abbott
Matthew Allen
Austin Allison
Wesley Bailey
Dante Barnard
Nick Bennight
Matthew Coker
Ny Dowdell
William Duncan
Anders Guthrie
Ashton Hargis
Kyle Holton
Ethan Jarrard
Joshua Lim
Baily Luken
Brian Nolan
Xavier Pope-Catarata
Samuel Roberto
Malachi Roberts
Tanner Slater
Hunter Stanford
Christian Urban
Jakob Weatherwax
William Webber
Bo Winslette


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