Brand Messaging

southern prep seal

April 7th, 2020

Our brand messaging has been developed to amplify Southern Prep’s value, to create increased awareness and understanding of our school, and to empower our reputation. This blog post provides an overview of our key brand messages. Communicators are encouraged to integrate the messages into their internal and external communications.


We believe that every young man wants to be a part of something great. He wants to become as wise, as strong, as brave, and as respected as he can be. We also believe that each young man can become his very best self when he discovers that responsibility and hard work can make anything possible. Capable young men with this potential to achieve are the young men of Southern Preparatory Academy.
Since its founding in 1898, the focus of our school has been to provide students with opportunity. The opportunity to experience something more; to do something bigger; to be someone better. This same transformational experience remains at the core of the school’s mission today and is rooted in Southern Prep’s close-knit community of adults and students living and learning together in an environment that balances challenge and support.
We are an independent boarding school committed to preparing young men of integrity and strength for leadership in college and beyond. Our graduates are proud to be Southern Prep men. Proud of their achievements. Proud of their success. Proud to be a part of something great.


Strength of Achievement (academics)
Strength of Leadership (military traditions)
Strength of Opportunity (signature programs)
Strength of Brotherhood (community/boarding)
Strength of Preparation (growth/transformation)


  • Southern Preparatory Academy’s official abbreviations are “Southern Prep,” “Southern,” and “SP”
  • Our official mascot is the Fighting Rangers
  • Our official school colors are metallic gold and navy blue


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