Weekends at Southern Prep

two cadets playing foosball

August 26th, 2020
By: Cadet Stuart Hauer

Weekends here at Southern Prep are exciting and fun filled! Third mess (or dinner) moves to 5pm instead of 6pm, so watching time is always important. During the normal school year, if you are not a Scrub, you may leave campus starting on Fridays at 3:20pm. If you do not leave, you are allowed your gaming console, television, and phone. However, if you are a Scrub, you do not get these things, but there are still many freedoms and activities granted that you would not typically get. For example, if you have a fishing pole, you may go down to the ponds until dark, but you must be present for mess. 
Scrub involved activities: sports, game room, movie room, and the pool. These sports can be football, basketball, or soccer. The movie room is essentially a virtual escape for Scrubs, as they can watch movies on the projector or even play some Playstation games like Madden or Call of Duty. Like the movie room, the game room also includes a few activities: foosball, 8-ball pool, air hockey, and ping pong. 
After a little cooldown from the school week, Friday is over at 9:30pm and all electronics are turned in, unless you have enough rank, then you can keep them. 
Saturdays are more of the same, but first mess (or breakfast) is optional, so wake up is at 10am. It is basically an extension of Friday and turn in is the same, but lights out extends to 10pm. 
Sunday, however, is very different. We wake up at 8am and go to church at 9am until about 9:45am. Afterwards, we have some free time until brunch at 11am. From then until 5pm is the last of the weekend, but we usually have a battalion activity around 1:30pm, such as kickball, basketball, or football. 
At 5pm on Sundays, all cadets return to the normal week schedule, until we get to experience this fun again the next weekend. 
Oh yes. You can also read and study your subjects on the weekend if you are a diligent student. It sure helps to get the week going in the right direction. 


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