July 26th, 2022
By: Lily Kowtko

The following is an excerpt from the 1973 Ranger. This text came at the beginning, dispersed between pictures of the faces that called campus home back 50 years ago. With fondness, we look back to these words as they still feel relevant today. It is amazing how time passes, but the feelings remain. Wayne McMahan, Editor Robert Fleming, Assistant William Lish, Advisor “It is not possible for civilization to flow backward while there is youth in the world. Youth may be headstrong, but it will advance its allotted length. Through the ages in the battle with poverty, misery, ignorance, war, ugliness and slavery, youth has gained on the enemy. That is why I never turned away from the new generation impatiently because of its knowingness. Through it alone shall salvation come.” – Helen Keller Birth of a new era… Anxiously and hopefully we watched the birth of a new era unfold and develop into a new meaning for each of us. The addition of the Junior School has opened new doors and evoked distinguished growth, publicity, and provided higher standards by which we may mold our lives. As we pass through the doorways of our quaint old buildings into modern erections of today’s age we are evermore aware of the increasing progress on our campus, this campus of which we are so much a part and which we hold proudly in its new perspective. With new educational vistas opened to us we are part of “something special”. We have gradually and progressively ascended the stairway to more distinctive recognition. Instead of an obvious abandonment of our former classification, we have graciously transcended the invisible barrier to new recognition by combining something old with something new. And a new awareness of the responsibilities gained with the new image that we have assumed. With this new spirit embodied in elementary and secondary education, we are excelling in the various areas of athletic competition and expanding within the mind and soul of the individual as he constantly strives to explore and perhaps achieve new horizons. Through this new spirit we have courageously tackled what seemed to be our most devastating enemy… past reality. But, always the victor, we quickly discover that education is our most important weapon and spirit is our source of courage which is as bold as the Ranger that represents this institution of knowledge. with a new spirit… Out of this spirit comes the ever-present desire to enrich our lives through the more advanced principles of education, discipline of military regimentation, and lasting friendships that only a boarding preparatory school can offer a young man. Proudly we honor and humbly dedicate our services through the medium of this growing spirit. Old friends and old philosophies. We graciously accept the distinction in the various fields of learning, but never at the expense of slighting past experience. … but remaining with old traditions Vaguely we recall the first day on the strange and unfamiliar campus. Through study-filled semesters, weekend activities, military development, athletic competition, and numerous hikes through the beautiful pine and oak forests, we see the campus with a new face–that of a second home. Old buildings have assumed a mellow and gracious charm in contrast with the newer, modern structures on campus, but they all become a part of the life we assume–a life with meaning. Our ideals and interests coincide with the established traditions of Dr. Lyman Ward, always reaching for self-improvement through education. It is these traditions and beliefs that have guided us through another year of satisfactory completion, moral enlightenment, and above all.. A deeper understanding of the world of which we are to become a part. … and holding to her heritage A strong and proud heritage is vividly in bloom during the fall festivities. The campus-wide Homecoming projects and selection of the Homecoming Queen for 1972… the tense moments as fans cheer the Lyman Ward Rangers on to victory…National Drill Team Competition. Pep-rallies, picnics, dances, dramatic productions and undefeatable spirit have given new zest and enthusiasm to both conventional and contemporary tradition. By a strong chain of traditions, we are linked to a proud heritage which in turn becomes a student endowment. Someday that student will graduate and with him will go a link in that chain, but from “this student will remain a contribution to add to a much stronger heritage”. … guided by capable hands Administrators, faculty and upper classmen; those hands, those spirits, those personalities which we so highly respect and without effort, so gladly serve. Hands that have skillfully guided us through the first hectic days of homesickness, changing classes and adhering to the numerous military regulations throughout semesters until at last, final congratulations and a well earned diploma pass the responsibility, the burden of decision, from those capable hands into our own. To each this academy means something different; yet there is one common element to all: education. Yes, through these innumerable hands we have been given the opportunity to mature, as individuals to face life as educated, patriotic citizens in the vast complex world that awaits us. That no longer makes growth and development a dream, but a visual reality. The stark arm of a crane against an autumn sky symbolizes not only a new building, but the constant development and aspirations of youth. As entrance requirements and standards become more rigid, there is an upward rise in academic excellence, the student body quality and esprit de corps. The image of Lyman Ward is changing, yet always the same. … with ever expanding ideas Through the basic characteristics of the American economy, progress has stepped forward with the construction of a new gymnasium with all new equipment. This modern gymnasium will provide a central recreation and physical education area for cadets. Through the raw, steel grinders we see modern structures contrasted by original buildings which are lifeless hulls without the people who inhabit them. All of this is part of the new image of Lyman Ward. … she prepares for the future For through her gates pass the men who will be the leaders of tomorrow. Although yearly enrollment must be kept limited in order to fulfill the purposes of LWMA, many additional needs and requirements must be met by both the faculty and administration. It might be said that today’s leading military schools are beginning once again to insure and pave the way for more complete educational, physical and military experiences. We, the graduates and undergraduates of Lyman Ward Military Academy, have acquired a storehouse of memories, knowledge, friends, sleepless nights, letters, skills and services from which to choose applicable solutions to many problems which life presents. Through this expanding education we have become more capable and better prepared to choose our direction and our destination. The 1973 Ranger was dedicated to Mrs. Marie Caldwell, a friend, a secretary, and a substitute mother, and Colonel E.H. Ramsey, Dean of LWMA 1964-1973. 1972-1973 administration: Colonel Wesley P. Smith, President Colonel E.H. Ramsey, Dean Colonel Albert Hovey, Assistant Dean, Science Colonel Marcus Moreman, Commandant Coach J.D. Gooden, Head Coach |