International Students’ Day 2021

November 17th, 2021

In today’s world, exposure to new people and cultures is a key element to becoming a well-rounded individual. November 17th is an important date for international education; it is marked around the world as a day of celebration of international students.

Southern Prep Academy has a long history of international enrollment, with students originating from all corners of the world; places such as Malaysia, Guatemala, Yemen, Germany, Russia, China, Ecuador, just to name a few. In honor of International Students’ Day, we would like to honor and recognize two of our international cadets.

Cadet Wei Leong Tham, a junior from Malaysia, has been at Southern Prep for 3 years. He has had many successes during his few years on campus. Cadet Tham is a valuable member of our football and soccer teams. His leadership skills do not go unnoticed, either, he quickly rose through the ranks and is now the Company Commander for Charlie Company. In Cadet Tham’s words, “Southern Prep Academy has helped me and all of the other international cadets settle into this new culture of the United States. This school is broadening my horizons and opening my future up to new opportunities.

Cadet Sebastian Ovalle, a junior from Guatemala, is in his second year at Southern Prep. Cadet Ovalle’s attendance at Southern Prep is preceded by two of his uncles, Jorge Ovalle and Rodrigo Lacayo. Cadet Ovalle was inspired to attend an international boarding school, specifically one with a military-discipline style, after seeing the success of his two uncles and his father, who attended a separate military institution. Cadet Ovalle holds the rank of SGT, and plays an important starting role on both of our football and soccer teams. When asked, his favorite thing about attending Southern Prep is experiencing something new everyday: whether it’s in his studies, or learning about the culture of his American friends.

Since our founding in 1898, the focus of Southern Prep has been to provide students with opportunity, regardless of background. The opportunity to experience something more; to do something bigger; to be someone better. We are committed to preparing young men of integrity and strength for leadership in college and beyond. Happy International Students’ Day, to our current students, alumni, and future students. You are part of what makes this academy great!


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