First Annual Board of Trustees Scholarship Banquet

marriot hotel

March 24th, 2021

Southern Prep is less than a month away from our first ever Board of Trustees Scholarship Banquet! We are excited to bring together cadets, alumni, faculty, families, and friends of the academy for a night of sharing experiences, stories, and a wonderful evening.

The banquet raises money for cadet scholarships. Each year, around 5 to 8 cadets receive scholarships to attend the academy. These scholarships can make all the difference in a cadet’s life. They enable promising cadets to pursue a quality education and experience opportunities that otherwise would not have been available.

The banquet will take place on April 23rd, the Friday night before Military Day. It will start at 6:30pm and end around 8:00pm CST. We’ve got a special program lined up for our guests, including keynote speaker Jeff Sessions, former U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Senator for Alabama from 1997 to 2017.

It will be held at Auburn Marriott Opelika Resort and Spa at Grand National. We have rooms blocked off at the hotel for guests traveling from out of town. Take advantage of the beautiful golf course and spa during your stay!

To purchase individual seats or to sponsor a table, click here. After purchasing your spots, please register by clicking here.

If you have any thoughts or questions, please contact Lily at 256-675-6269 or

We will see you on April 23rd!


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