Alumni Muster Information

southern prep seal

June 24th, 2020

Dear Alumni,

Wishing you all a very Happy upcoming Independence Day! Please pause to honor all those brave men & women, including many former cadets and active or former faculty and staff that have served or now serve our country. Without their steadfast resolve the freedoms we enjoy would be distant memories.

Both the Annual Alumni Association Meeting and Muster will be held on campus the weekend of Friday, July 31st. All alums are welcome. Muster is a family friendly event and the opportunity to celebrate our traditions. It is not a pass the hat work party.

The association meeting itself is no charge, Saturday Aug 1 from 1300-1400. The speaker luncheon is $20/plate. That is included if you sign up for muster. To attend any other events, you must register for muster. Muster is $80 per attendee. $65 for young alumni (Classes ’16 thru ’20) or $65 if you renew your annual dues that same weekend. Food and lodging included (males only) in the barracks. Bring your own alcoholic beverages (if you wish) or bottled beer will be available in the canteen for $2/bottle.

We are staying in Foxtrot. Mattress provided but bring bedding. If bringing a female, stay in a hotel.

Timeline of Events

Friday July 31
1800-Until: Welcome Reception in the Canteen

Saturday August 1
0730-0900: Breakfast in the Mess Hall
0930-1100: Shooting / BYOG or we will share (No Alcohol) at the Outdoor Range
1130-1300: Speaker Luncheon w/Col Al Hovey – confirmed Chapel Reception
-Also invited is 1SG Fred Frank
1300-1400: Annual Association meeting (in person & online) in the Chapel
-Incl. remarks by LTC Norrell and Tripp Skipper
1430-1530: Open House in the Alumni Center
1800-Until: Captain Gary Kenny Memorial Shrimp Boil Canteen

Sunday August 2
0730-0900: Breakfast in the Mess Hall

Spread the word. Make the trip. This is our bond. The more that attend & represent each class & decade, the experience will be far richer for all.
Stay tuned for a separate letter dedicated specifically to the annual Alumni Association meeting which will contain full details and be sent out via e-mail this coming Monday June 29.

Very Respectfully,

Carey Treadwell, Class of 1987
Alumni Association President


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