July 20th, 2020
We fully understand most young men will not reach their academic and athletic potential in a virtual learning environment. While many schools across the country are already committing to virtual schooling for the fall semester, we at Southern Prep feel we offer a much better solution with personalized and SAFE on-campus instruction. If another five or more months of virtual learning will be problematic for your son and his education, then Southern Prep may be right for you.
Everyone knows how boys learn best: in the classroom with in-person interaction with peers, teachers, coaches, and staff. If this method is preferred by you, then your son will be a welcomed addition to our family this fall. At Southern Prep, our dedicated staff is fully committed to the safety of all of our cadets while preparing them for the work of life.
We believe a boarding school environment is safer than public or private day schools can offer. The simple nature of boarding school operations limits the exposure of our students to the outside world. At Southern Prep, we are taking all safety precautions in accordance with state and federal mandates. Additionally, our beautiful campus is over 300 acres with plenty of room for our cadets to spread out. Each cadet will be assigned their own dorm room and classrooms will be kept small to accommodate social distancing guidelines.
Southern Prep Academy has been changing lives for the past 122 years, and we don’t plan to slow down anytime soon.
-Students will receive a wellness check upon checking in.
-If a student has a high temperature at his wellness check, he will be required to have a negative COVID-19 test before being allowed to stay on campus.
-We are recommending that all students self-quarantine for at least 14 days before their scheduled check-in time.
-Students will sleep one per room, there will be no roommates other than siblings who come from the same household.
-Students will remain 6ft apart in the classroom and common areas, such as the cafeteria.
-When students cannot be 6ft apart, such as on a school van, then masks will be required.
-Southern Prep will issue 1 mask to each student. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with his mask. Masks will be marked with laundry numbers. Students are welcome to bring additional masks from home.
-Avoidance of close physical proximity in cases of increased exhalation (singing, exercise); unless outdoors where the activity is likely safest and students can be spread out.
-TACs will ensure students are showering regularly, with showers being used at half-capacity and cleaned daily.
-Hand washing will be required before and after every meal, when soap and water is not easily available, then hand sanitizer will be used.
-Students will sanitize their hands after coming in contact with any shared surfaces, such as door handles, faucets, water fountains, keyboards, etc.
Important Notes:
-Any student or staff member who reports feeling unwell will receive an immediate wellness check. Any student with a temperature over 100.4 will be quarantined in campus infirmary immediately; parents will be notified.
-Southern Prep has a beautiful 300+ acre campus that will allow cadets to spread out.
-As a boarding school, Southern Prep has minimal, if any, exposure to outside groups or large groups of people. Unlike a public or private day school, Southern Prep does not have students who come and go as they please, or who go home nightly to families who may be at a higher risk.
Contact Admissions:
Phone: (256) 675-6260
Email: admissions@southernprepacademy.org
Above subject to change following federal and state guidelines regarding COVID-19.