2021 Soccer Roster

southern prep soccer players

February 17th, 2021

Congratulations to our cadets who made the soccer team! To view the full soccer schedule, please view the schedule here. Our first game is tomorrow, February 18th, vs. Ezekiel Academy. The game will be played at 5:00pm. Go Rangers!

#1 Hunter Abbott
#2 Breck Weaver
#3 Garrett Guesnon
#4 Stuart Hauer
#5 Osama Al-Hubaishi
#6 Sebastian Ovalle
#7 Jakob Taylor
#8 Wei Leong Tham
#9 Tristen Ellis
#10 Ryan Aro
#11 Gavin Mikula
#12 Baines Duncan
#13 Josh Lim
#14 William Duncan
#15 Tim Outten
#16 Ernest Moore
#17 Nico Calloway

Coach: Mr. Michael Luther
(334) 734-9411


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As we leave today, we start a new beginning. A beginning full of opportunities. Will you take them? On behalf of the class of ‘24 I would like to give our appreciation to all those who pushed us to be the men we are today. And to the class of ‘24, all I have left to say is today is the day. Hooah!